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Gallery » Snow » Video » Bangers and Mash - Jeremy Breaks Some to Win Some
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Bangers and Mash - Jeremy Breaks Some to Win Some
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Da: SurfReport
Giovedì 8 Dicembre 2011
Numero di visite: 5636
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DescrizioneBangers and Mash - Jeremy Breaks Some to Win Some » Even the strongest snowboard in the world would have a hard time keeping up with Jeremy Jones. Two out of three ain't bad, and luckily Jeremy knows by now to bring spares. "Jeremy, Zak Hale and I found this rail in the back of an old folks Home in Madison, WI one afternoon while searching for spots. We gave ourselves about a 60% chance of getting kicked out since the windows to all of the people rooms were directly next to the rail. We got the spot set up and started the session and within 10 min the snowplow driver told us to beat it. After some serious convincing from Jeremy the dude was cool with us and the session went down. Sometimes things just end up working out." - Gabe Filmed By: Gabe L'Heureux Edited By: Gabe L'Heureux Music by: Artis: Red Pens Song: "Blue Lighters" Album: Reasons Courtesy of Grain Belt Records


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